Helmsorig G, Walla A, Rütjes T, Buchmann G, Schüller R, Hensel G, von Korff M (2023) Early maturity 7 promotes early flowering by controlling the light input into the circadian clock in barley. Plant Physiology doi: 10.1093/plphys/kiad551. link
Kuzay S, Lin H, Li C, Chen S, Woods DP, Zhang J, Lan T, von Korff M, Dubcovsky J (2022) WAPO-A1 is the causal gene of the 7AL QTL for spikelet number per spike in wheat. PLoS Genetics 18(1): e1009747. link
Li K, Debernardi JM, Li C, Lin H, Zhang C, Jernstedt J, von Korff M, Zhong J, Dubcovsky J (2022) Interactions between SQUAMOSA and SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE MADS-box proteins regulate meristem transitions during wheat spike development. The Plant Cell 33(12), 3621-3644. link
Zhong J, van Esse GW, Bi X, Lan T, Walla A, Sang Q, Franzen R, von Korff M (2021) INTERMEDIUM-M encodes an HvAP2L-H5 ortholog and is required for inflorescence indeterminacy and spikelet determinacy in barley. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 118(8), e2011779118. link
Gol L, Harraldsson EB, von Korff M (2021). Ppd-H1 integrates drought stress signals to control spike development and flowering time in barley. Journal of Experimental Botany 72 (1), 122–136. link
Pieper R, Tomé F., Pankin A, von Korff M (2021) FLOWERING LOCUS T4 delays flowering and decreases floret fertility in barley. Journal of Experimental Botany 72 (1), 107-121. link
Siebers M, Walla A, Rütjes T, Müller M, von Korff M (2021). Application of DNA Fingerprinting using the D1S80 Locus in Lab Classes. Jove-Journal of Visualized Experiments, 173. link
Müller LM, Mombaerts L, Pankin A, Davis SJ, Webb AAR, Goncalves J, von Korff M (2020) Differential effects of day-night cues and the circadian clock on the barley transcriptome. Plant Physiology 183 (2), 765–779. link
Walla A, van Esse GW, Kirschner G, Guo G, Brünnje A, Finkemeier I, Simon R, von Korff M (2020) An acyl-CoA N-acyltransferase regulates meristem phase change and plant architecture in barley. Plant Physiology 183, 1088-1109. link
Bi X, van Esse GW, Mulki MA, Kirschner G, Zhong J, Simon R, von Korff M (2019) CENTRORADIALIS interacts with FLOWERING LOCUS T-like genes to control spikelet initiation, floret development and grain number. Plant Physiology 180 (2), 1013-1030. link
Pankin A, Altmüller J, Becker C, von Korff M (2018) Targeted resequencing reveals genomic signatures of barley domestication. New Phytologist 218, 1247-1259. link
Mulki MA, Bi X, von Korff M (2018) FLOWERING LOCUS T3 controls spikelet initiation but not floral development. Plant Physiology 178 (3), 1170–1186. link
Rossini L, Muehlbauer GJ, Okagaki R, Salvi S, von Korff M (2018) Genetics of Whole Plant Morphology and Architecture. The Barley Genome, 209-231. link
Maekawa T, Kracher B, Saur IM, Maekawa Yoshikawa M, Kellner R, Pankin A, von Korff M, Schulze-Lefert P (2018) Subfamily-specific specialization of RGH1/MLA immune receptors in wild barley. Mol Plant Microbe Interact, 107-119. link
Kirschner GK, Stahl Y, Imani J, von Korff M, Simon R (2018) Fluorescent reporter lines for auxin and cytokinin signalling in barley (Hordeum vulgare). PLoS One 13(4), e0196086. link
Ejaz M and von Korff M (2017) Genetic control of reproductive development under high ambient temperature. Plant Physiology 173 (1), 294-306.
Gol L, Tomé F, von Korff M (2017) Floral transitions in wheat and barley: interactions between photoperiod, abiotic stresses and nutrient status. Journal of Experimental Botany 68 (7), 1399–1410.
Jung C, Pillen K, Staiger D, Coupland G, von Korff M (2017). Editorial: Recent Advances in Flowering Time Control. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7: 2011. doi:10.3389/fpls.2016.02011.
Kirschner GK, Stahl Y, von Korff M and Simon R (2017) Unique and Conserved Features of the Barley Root Meristem. Frontiers in Plant Science 21(8), 1240. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01240.
Liller CB, Walla A, Boer MP, Hedley P, Macaulay M, Effgen S, von Korff M, van Esse GW and Koornneef M (2017) Fine mapping of a major QTL for awn length in barley using a multiparent mapping population. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 130: 269–281, doi: 10.1007/s00122-016-2807-y.
Pankin A and von Korff M (2017). Co-evolution of methods and thoughts in cereal domestication studies: a tale of barley (Hordeum vulgare). Current Opinion in Plant Biology, doi: 10.1016/j.pbi.2016.12.001.
van Esse GW, Walla A, Finke A, Koornneef M, Pecinka A and von Korff M (2017) Six-rowed spike 3 (VRS3) is a histone demethylase that controls lateral spikelet development in barley. Plant Physiology 174 (4), 2397–2408.
Templer SE, Ammon A, Pscheidt D, Ciobotea O, Schuy C, McCollum C, Sonnewald U, Hanemann A, Förster J, Ordon F, von Korff M, Voll LM (2017). Metabolite profiling of barley flag leaves in drought and combined heat and drought stress reveals metabolic QTLs for metabolites associated with antioxidant defence. Journal of Experimental Botany 68(7), 1697-1713.
Digel B, Tavakol E, Verderio G, Tondelli A, Xu X, Cattivelli L, Rossini L, von Korff M (2016) Photoperiod-H1 (Ppd-H1) controls leaf size. Plant Physiology 172(1), 405–415.
Mulki MA and von Korff M (2015) CONSTANS controls floral repression by upregulating VERNALIZATION 2 (Vrn-H2) in barley. Plant Physiology 170(1): 325–337.
Liller CB, Neuhaus R, von Korff M, Koornneef M and van Esse W (2015) Mutations in Barley Row Type Genes Have Pleiotropic Effects on Shoot Branching. PLoS ONE 10(10): e0140246.
Digel B, Pankin A, von Korff M (2015) Global transcriptome profiling of developing leaf and shoot apices reveals distinct genetic and environmental control of floral transition and inflorescence development in barley. The Plant Cell 27(9), 2318-2334.
Campoli C and von Korff M (2014). Genetic Control of Reproductive Development in Temperate Cereals. In J-P. Jacquot, & P. Gadal (Serial Eds.) & F. Fornara (Serial Vol. Ed.), Advances in Botanical Research: Vol. 72. The molecular genetics of floral transition and flower development (pp 131–158).
Drosse B, Campoli C, Mulki AM and von Korff M (2014) Genetic control of reproductive development. J. Kumlehn, N. Stein (eds.), Biotechnological Approaches to Barley Improvement, Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry 69, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-44406-1_5.
Liu L, Adrian J, Pankin A, Hu J, Dong X, von Korff M and F Turck (2014) Induced and natural variation of promoter length modulates the photoperiodic response of FLOWERING LOCUS T. Nature Communications. 5:4558.
Müller L, von Korff M and Davis SJ (2014) Connections between circadian clocks and carbon metabolism reveal species-specific effects on growth control. Journal of Experimental Botany 65 (11), 2915–2923.
Pankin A, Campoli C, Dong X, Kilian B,Sharma R, Himmelbach A, Saini R, Davis SJ, Stein N, Schneeberger K and von Korff M (2014) Mapping-by-sequencing identifies HvPHYTOCHROME C as a candidate gene for the early maturity 5 locus modulating the circadian clock and photoperiodic flowering in barley. Genetics 198(1): 383–396.
Campoli C, Pankin A, Casao CM, Davis SJ and von Korff M (2013) HvLUX1 is a candidate gene underlying the early maturity 10 locus in barley: phylogeny, diversity, and interactions with the circadian clock and photoperiodic pathways. New Phytologist 199(4):1045-59.
Habte E, Müller L, Shtaya M, Davis SJ and von Korff M (2013) Osmotic stress at the barley root affects expression of circadian clock genes in the shoot. Plant Cell and Environment 37, 1321–1337.
Rollins JA, Drosse B, Mulki MA, Grando S, Baum M, Singh M, Ceccarelli S and von Korff M (2013) Variation at the vernalisation genes Vrn-H1 and Vrn-H2 determines growth and yield stability in barley (Hordeum vulgare) grown under dryland conditions in Syria. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 126(11):2803-24.
Rollins JA, Habte E, Templer SE, Colby T, Schmidt J and von Korff M (2013) Leaf proteome alterations in the context of physiological and morphological responses to drought and heat stress in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Journal of Experimental Botany 64(11):3201-12.
Faure S, Turner AS, Gruszka D, Christodoulou V, Davis SJ, von Korff M, Laurie DA (2012) Mutation at the circadian clock gene EARLY MATURITY 8 adapts domesticated barley (Hordeum vulgare) to short growing seasons. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 109 (21), 8328-8333.
Meyer R, Witucka-Wall H, Becher M, Blacha A, Boudichevskaia A, Doermann P, Fiehn O, Friedel S, von Korff M, Lisec J, Melzer M, Repsilber D, Schmidt R, Scholz M, Selbig J, Willmitzer L and Altmann T (2012) Heterosis manifestation during early Arabidopsis seedling development is characterized by intermediate gene expression and enhanced metabolic activity in the hybrids. Plant Journal 71 (4) 669-683.
Campoli C, Shtaya M, Davis S and von Korff M (2012). Expression conservation within the circadian clock of a monocot: natural variation at barley Ppd-H1 affects circadian expression of flowering time genes, but not clock orthologs. BMC Plant Biology 12:97.
Campoli C, Drosse B, Searle I, Coupland G and von Korff M (2012) Functional characterisation of HvCO1, the barley (Hordeum vulgare) flowering time ortholog of CONSTANS. Plant Journal 69, 868–880.
Boikoglou E, Zisong M, von Korff M, Davis AM, Nagy F and Davis SJ (2011) Environmental memory directed by the plant circadian clock. Genetics 189 (2): 655-664
Cseri A, Cserhati M, von Korff M, Nagy B, Horvath GV, Palagyi A, Pauk J, Dudits D and Toerjek O (2011) Allele mining and haplotype discovery in barley candidate genes for drought tolerance. Euphytica, 181(3): 341-356.
von Korff M, Léon J and Pillen K (2010) Detection of epistatic interactions between exotic alleles introgressed from wild barley (H. vulgare ssp. spontaneum). Theoretical and Applied Genetics 121(8):1455-64.
Saal B, von Korff M, Léon J and Pillen K (2010) Advanced-backcross QTL analysis in spring barley: IV. Localization of QTL×nitrogen interaction effects for yield-related traits. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 177(2): 223-239.
Childs L, Witucka-Wall H, Günther T, Sulpice R, von Korff M, Stitt M, Walther D, Schmid K and Altmann T (2010) Natural selection mapping of genomic regions affecting growth-related metabolic traits in Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Genomics 11:188.
Wang G, Schmalenbach I, von Korff M, Léon J, Kilian B, Rode J and Pillen K (2010) Association of barley photoperiod and vernalization genes with QTLs for flowering time and agronomic traits in a BC2DH population and a set of wild barley introgression lines. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 120(8):1559-74.
von Korff M, Radovic S, Choumane W, Stamati K, Udupa SM, Grando S, Ceccarelli S, Mackay I, Powell W, Baum M and Morgante M (2009) Asymmetric allele-specific expression in relation to developmental variation and drought stress in barley hybrids. Plant Journal 59: 14-26.
Guo P, Baum M, Grando S, Ceccarelli S, Bai G, Li R, von Korff M, Varshney RK, Graner A and Valkoun V (2009) Differentially expressed genes between drought-tolerant and drought-sensitive barley genotypes in response to drought stress during the reproductive stage. Journal of Experimental Botany 60(12): 3531–3544.
Sulpice R, Pyl ET, Ishihara H, Trenkamp S, Steinfath M, Witucka-Wall H, Gibon Y, Usadel B, Poree F, Conceição Piques M, von Korff M, Steinhauser MC, Keurentjes JJB, Guenther M, Hoehne M, Selbig J, Fernie AR, Altmann T and Stitt M (2009) Starch as a major integrator in the regulation of plant growth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106:10348-10353.
Bauer AM, Hoti F, von Korff M, Pillen K, Léon J and Sillanpää MJ (2009) Advanced backcross-QTL analysis in spring barley (H. vulgare ssp. spontaneum) comparing a REML versus a Bayesian model in multi-environmental field. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 119:105-123.
von Korff M, Grando S, This D, Baum M and Ceccarelli S (2008) Quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with agronomic performance of barley under drought. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 117:653-669.
Eleuch L, Abderrazek J, Grando S, Ceccarelli S, von Korff M, Hajer A, Daaloul A and Baum M (2008) Genetic diversity and association analysis for salinity tolerance, heading date and plant height of barley germplasm using SSR markers. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 50:1004 – 1014.
von Korff M, Wang H, Léon J and Pillen K (2008) AB-QTL analysis in spring barley: III. Identification of exotic alleles for the improvement of malting quality in spring barley. Molecular Breeding 21:81-93.
Baum M, von Korff M, Guo P, Lakew B, Udupa SM, Sayed H, Choumane W, Grando S and Ceccarelli S (2007) Molecular approaches and breeding strategies for drought tolerance in barley. In Varshney R and Tuberosa R (eds.) Genomic assisted crop improvement: Vol 2: Genomics applications in Crops, 51-79, Springer Netherlands.
Sulpice R, Tschoep H, von Korff M, Büssis D, Usadel B, Höhne M, Witucka-Wall H, Altman T, Stitt M and Gibon Y (2007) Description and applications of a rapid and sensitive non-radioactive microplate-based assay for maximum and initial activity of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase. Plant Cell and Environment 30: 1163-1175.
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Törjék O, Witucka-Wall H, Meyer RC, von Korff M, Kusterer B, Rautengarten C and Altmann T (2006) Segregation distortion in Arabidopsis C24/Col-0 and Col-0/C24 recombinant inbred line populations is due to reduced fertility caused by epistatic interaction of two loci. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 113(8):1551-61.
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